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Thursday 5 December 2019

All India Rural Credit Survey Committee ( AIRCSC )

  • All India Rural Credit Survey Committee      ( AIRCSC ) appointed by Reserve Bank of India 
  • AIRCSC appointed in the year 1951
  • AIRCSC  submitted the report in 1954
  • AIRCSC report known as the Magna Carta of  indian co operative movement 
  • AIRCSC is known as Integrated scheme of rural credit 
  • Members of AIRCSC were AD Gorwala, DR Gadgil, B Venkittappaih and NSR Sasthri
  • Chairman of AIRCSC was A D Gorwala
  • Member secretary of AIRCSC was NSR Sasthri 
  • " Co operation failed but it must succeed " is coined by All India Rural Credit Survey Committee 
  • The main recommendations of AIRCSC were; 
                 1 . Sbi formation 

                 2 . Crop loan system 

                 3 . Linking of credit with

                4 . State partnership fund 

                5 . National warehousing board

                6 . Large sized co operatives 

                7 . Audit is necessary to co operative

                8 . AIRCSC recommended to create 
                     3 funds under Govt of India, 
                     they are; 

           a . National Co operative Development

           b . National Warehousing fund 

           c .  National Agriculture and credit 

               9 . AIRCSC recommended to create 
                 two fund  under RBI

           a. National Agriculture Credit Fund 
               for long term operation 

          b. National Agriculture Credit 
               Stabilization Fund
  • National Co operative Development Fund now administrated by NCDC 
  • National Agriculture Credit Fund for      long term operation was created in 1958 
  • National Agriculture and Credit Fund for long term operation is maintained by NABARD 
  • National Agriculture and Credit Fund for long term operation is maintained for long term loan to co operatives and also for purchasing debentures of State CARD Bank 
  • At present National Agriculture Credit  Fund known as National Rural Credit Stabilization Fund
  • National Rural Credit Stabilization Fund is maintained by NABARD for giving short term loan and medium term loan to co operatives.

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