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Tuesday 14 July 2020

CSEB Previous Question 3

1 . Father of Indian co operation ?

     Ans : Federic Nicholson

2.  Where is KICMA situated ?

     Ans : Neyyar Dam

3.  Vice chairman of CAPE ?

     Co operative minister

4.  A scheduled bank in co operative sector
     in Kerala ?

     Ans : Kerala State Co operative Bank

5.  Who can cancel the crossing of
     of a cheque ?

     Ans : Drawer

6.  Exim Bank was established in the year ?

     Ans : 1982

7.  The undeclared dividend will be shown.         in ?
     Ans : Liability

8.  NCCT was established in the year ?

     Ans : 1976

9.  IPO means ?

     Ans : Initial Public Offer

10.  NABARD was established as per the                  recommendation of ?

        Ans : Sivaraman committee 

11.  Full form of ATM ?

       Ans : Automated Teller Machine

12.  Auditors create provision for ? 

       Ans : Overdue

13.  Another name for qualitative credit                 control ? 
       Ans : General credit control

14.  The first marketing society in India ?

        Ans : Hubli

15.  GAAP means ?

        Ans : Generally Accepted Accounting                           Principles 

16. NCDC established in ? 

       Ans :  13-03-2021

17. Full form of CASA ?

      Ans : Current Account Saving Account

18. An audit made compulsory by law is
      called ?

       Ans : Statutory audit

19. Audit notebook is kept by ? 

      Ans : Auditor

20. Demand draft valid for a period of ? 

       Ans : Three months

21. The main source for the profit of a bank
       is ? 

       Ans : Interest

22. The certificate issued by the notary
      public on behalf of a dishonoured bill is
      known as ?

      Ans : Protest

23. The rate of depreciation to be charged on
       land owned by the society ?

       Ans : zero

24. Arrangement of work between clerks 
      known as ? 

      Ans : Internal check

25. Reserve for doubtful debts is ?

       Ans : Charge against profit

26. The source document for purchase
       return ? 

       Debit Note

27. The relationship between consignor and 
       consignee ? 

       Ans : Principal and agent

28. Depreciation due to change in technology
      or change in fashion ? 
       Ans : Obsolescence

29. Cost of services and things used for
      earning revenue ? 

        Ans : Expense 

30. First column in the petty cash book ? 

      Ans : Receipt

31. When a banker accepts valuables for
       safe custody, the banker become ? 
       Ans : Bailee 

32. A derived deposit is opened with the 
      initiative of ? 

      Ans : Banker

33. The document which contains the terms 
      and conditions of partnership ? 

      Ans : Partnership deed

34. The bailment of goods as security for 
      payment of a debt or performance of a 
      promise is called as ? 

      Ans : Pledge 

35. Headquarters of Labour fed located at ? 

      Ans : Thiruvananthapuram

36. Affiliation fee to the State Co operative
      Union is calculated on ? 

      Ans : Share capital

37. The Minimum Borrowing Power of a co 
      operative society is fixed as per ? 

      Ans : Byelaw

38. The first urban Co operative society in 
      India ? 

      Ans : Kanjeevaram

39. The member secretary of All India Rural 
      Credit Review Committee ? 

       Ans : NSR Sastri 

40. Rule 16 A related with ? 

       Ans : Identity Card

41. The section related to the bye law 
      amendment in a co operative society ? 

      Ans : 12

42. The Heddesdrorf Loan Society founded 
       in the year ? 

       Ans : 1864

43. The account which increased by a debt 
      entry ? 

       Ans : Sales return

44. The authority which is responsible for 
       the collection and utilisation of co 
       operative education fund ?
        Ans : State Co operative Union 

45. The duty of a sale officer in a 
       co operative society is ? 

       Ans : Conduct attachment and sales

46. The un called partners of share capital 
      set apart to be called only at the time of 
      liquidation ? 

      Ans : Reserve capital

47. Negotiable Instrument Act came into
      force on ?

       Ans : 1st March 1882 

48. GST means ?

       Ans : Goods and Service Tax

49. The unclaimed dividend will be 
       shown as ?

       Ans : Liability

50. Cost of services and things used for 
      earning revenue ?

      Ans : Expense


ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...