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Friday 17 January 2020

Kerala co operative societies Act sections 71 - 79

71 - Winding up of  societies
72 - Liquidator
73 - Power of liquidator
74 - Cancellation of registration of society
74A- Insured co operative Bank
74B- Opening of branches
74C- Inspection in certain co operatives
74D- Duty of chief executive to supply confirmation certificate
74E- Manner of acceptance of deposits and lending of money
74F- Write off of loans
74G- Library in co operative societies
75 - Enforcement of charge
76 - Execution of orders etc.
77 - Registrar or person empowered by him to be a civil court for certain purposes
78 - Attachment of property before award or  order
79 - Recovery of sums due to Government 

Kerala co operative societies Act section 63 - 70

63 - Director  of co operative audit
64 - Scope of audit, power of  the Director of co operative audit and procedure for audit
65 - Inquiry by registrar
66 - Supervision and inspection
66A- Powers of registrar to give directions
66B- Suspension of officers
66C- Submission of return to the Registrar
67 - Cost of inquiry or inspection
68 - Surcharge
68A- Vigilance officer
69 - Disputes to be decided by co operative arbitration court and Registrar
69A- Co operative ombudsman
70 - Award on disputes
70A-Co operative arbitration court
70B-Provisions as to pending proceedings

Saturday 28 December 2019

Kerala co operative societies Act section 55-62

55- Fund not to be divided
56- Disposal of net profit
56A- Disposal of non banking assets
57- Investment of funds
57A- Co operative development and welfare fund
57B- Deposit guarantee scheme
57C- Consortium lending scheme
57D- Co operative risk fund scheme
58- Restriction on borrowings
59- Restriction on loans
60- Restriction on other transactions with members
61- Provident fund
62- Gratuity 

Thursday 19 December 2019

Kerala co operative societies Act sections 42 to 54

42. Direct partnership of Government in societies
43. Indirect partnership of Government in societies
44. Principle state partnership fund
45. Subsidiary state partnership fund
46. Approval of Government for purchase of shares
47. Liability to be limited in respect of certain shares
48. Restriction on amount on dividend
49. Identity of apex and central societies
50. Disposal of share capital and dividend etc
51. Disposal of principle state partnership fund and subsidiary state partnership fund
on winding up of apex or central society
52. Agreement by Government and apex societies
53. Order forms of state aid to societies
54. Provisions of sections 43 to 52 to override other laws

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Kerala co operative societies Act sections 27 - 34

27- Final authority in a society
28- Appointment of Committee
28A- Reservation for women members and members belonging to scheduled castes or scheduled tribes in a committee
28AA- Reservation for persons with banking experience or professional qualification in the committee of urban co operative banks
28AB- Election and removal of president and vice president
28B- State co operative election commision
29- Annual general body meeting
30- Special general body meeting
31- Nominees of government on committee of an apex or a central society
32- Supersession of committee
33- Appointment of new committee or administrator on failure to constitute committee, etc.
34- securing possession of records etc

Sunday 15 December 2019

Kerala Co operative Societies Act 1969 Sections 35 - 41

35. First charge of society on certain                     assets
36. Charge on land owned or held by                    members borrowing loans from                      certain societies
36A. Charge on movable or immovable                   property of borrower by creating                   Gehan
37. Deduction from salary to meet                          societies claim in certain cases
38. Charges and set off in respect of                       shares or interest of members in the               capital of a society
39. Shares or interest or reserve fund                   not liable to attachment
40. Exception from certain taxes, fees                   and duties
41. Exception from compulsory registration        of instruments 

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Kerala Co operative Societies Act 1969 Sections 16 - 26

16       - persons who may become members
16 A   - Ensuring participation of members                 in the management of societies
17       - Expulsion of members
18       - Nominal or associate members
19       - Member not to exercise right till
              due payment made
19 A   - Member Participation
19 B   - Right of a member to get                                    information
20       - Vote of members
21       - Manner of exercising the vote
22       - Restrictions on holding shares
23       - Restrictions on transfer of shares or                interest
24       - Restriction on withdrawal of shares
25       - Transfer of interest on death of                        members
26       - Liabilities of past member or of
              estate of deceased member

Thursday 5 December 2019

Kerala Co operative Societies Act 1969 Sections 1 - 15

1. Short title extent and commencement
2. Definitions
3. Registrar
4. Society which may be registered
5. Registration with limited liability only
6. Application for registration of co-                    operative societies
7. Registrations
8. Registration certificate
9. Co operative societies to be body                      corporate
10. Change the name of society
11. Change liability
12. Amendment of bye law of a society
13. When amendment of bye laws came               into force
13 A. Subject matter of bye laws
14. Amalgamation, transfer of asset and               liabilities and division of societies
14 A. Promotion of subsidiary  institutions          for  economic welfare of members
14 B. Partnership of co operative society
15. Cancellation of registration certificate             of societies in certain cases

All India Rural Credit Survey Committee ( AIRCSC )

  • All India Rural Credit Survey Committee      ( AIRCSC ) appointed by Reserve Bank of India 
  • AIRCSC appointed in the year 1951
  • AIRCSC  submitted the report in 1954
  • AIRCSC report known as the Magna Carta of  indian co operative movement 
  • AIRCSC is known as Integrated scheme of rural credit 
  • Members of AIRCSC were AD Gorwala, DR Gadgil, B Venkittappaih and NSR Sasthri
  • Chairman of AIRCSC was A D Gorwala
  • Member secretary of AIRCSC was NSR Sasthri 
  • " Co operation failed but it must succeed " is coined by All India Rural Credit Survey Committee 
  • The main recommendations of AIRCSC were; 
                 1 . Sbi formation 

                 2 . Crop loan system 

                 3 . Linking of credit with

                4 . State partnership fund 

                5 . National warehousing board

                6 . Large sized co operatives 

                7 . Audit is necessary to co operative

                8 . AIRCSC recommended to create 
                     3 funds under Govt of India, 
                     they are; 

           a . National Co operative Development

           b . National Warehousing fund 

           c .  National Agriculture and credit 

               9 . AIRCSC recommended to create 
                 two fund  under RBI

           a. National Agriculture Credit Fund 
               for long term operation 

          b. National Agriculture Credit 
               Stabilization Fund
  • National Co operative Development Fund now administrated by NCDC 
  • National Agriculture Credit Fund for      long term operation was created in 1958 
  • National Agriculture and Credit Fund for long term operation is maintained by NABARD 
  • National Agriculture and Credit Fund for long term operation is maintained for long term loan to co operatives and also for purchasing debentures of State CARD Bank 
  • At present National Agriculture Credit  Fund known as National Rural Credit Stabilization Fund
  • National Rural Credit Stabilization Fund is maintained by NABARD for giving short term loan and medium term loan to co operatives.

Friday 22 November 2019

National Housing Bank ( NHB )

             National Housing Bank ( NHB )

  • National Housing Bank is a Government of India enterprises 
  • National Housing Bank is an apex financial institution for banking 
  • NHB formed in 1988 July 9
  • NHB set up on the basis of NHB Act 1987
  • Headquarters of NHB is in New delhi 
  • Housing finance related to 7th Five year plan 
  • The Honorable Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi presenting the union budget on 28th February 1987 announced to establish National Housing Bank 
  • National Housing Bank bill 91 of 1987 
  • With the assent of the President of India R Venkataraman on 23rd December 1987 NHB ACT became the Act of Parliament 
  • NHB start functioning from 9th July  1988
  • Headquarters of NHB in New Delhi 
  • Awas Bharati is the publication of NHB 
  • " Promoting inclusive expansion with stability in housing finance market " is the vision of NHB 
  • Rural Housing Interested Scheem related to NHB 
  • NHB does not grant any loan directly to Individual 
  • NHB is fully owned by Government of India 



ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...