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Wednesday 15 November 2023

Co operative Movement in England


Co operative Movement England

  • Co operative party is a venture in England 
  • Father of co operative movement in the world - Robert Owen
  • Father of co operative movement  in England -Robert Owen
  • Father of British Socialism - Robert Owen
  • Robert Owen born on - 14th May 1771
  • The word Co operative Society first used by Robert Owen in his book the Economist
  • The book, The Economist published in - 1821
  • The book new view of society written by - Robert Owen
  • The Village co operative was founded by - Robert Owen 
  • The book " Principles of Environment " written by Robert Owen
  • Doctrine of Circumstances is the idea of  - Robert Owen
  • Labour exchange, Labour colonies, Labour note are the idea of - Robert Owen
  • New Harmony is the co operative colony started by Robert Owen in USA
  • Robert Owen is known as -Utopian Socialist
  • No competition, No money, No profit is a statement made by - Robert Owen 
  • Co operative wholesale stores started in England in 1863
  • " Owen did not invent co operation but he was the inspiration for the co operative Movement " said by CR Fay
  • First successful co operative society in the world - Rochdale equitable pioneer society
  • Rochdale equitable pioneer society also known as - Toad Line 2 Stores 
  • Roachdale Equitable Pioneer Society started on - 21st December 1844
  • Rochdale pioneers entered into wholesale trade in the year 1855
  • Formation of co operative principles was the main reason for the success of Rochdale Pioneers
  • The women member in Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society is - Eliza Brierley
  • First president of Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - CHARLES HOWRAH
  • First secretary of Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - JAMES DALY
  • At first 28 Members joined together to form Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society
  • The working capital of Rochdale Equitable pioneer Society - 28 Pounds
  • The members in Rochdale pioneers were engaged in flannel weaving 
  • The book Weavers of dream written by - David J Thomson
  • The book The History of Rochdale Pioneerwritten by - George Jacob Holyoke
  • The book A century of co operation in Rochdale  written by - Henry Brown 
  • Father of Co operative education - Dr William King
  • Dr William King known aschristian socialist
  • The christian socialist were responsible for passing of Industrial Provident Societies Act in 1852
  • Dr William King born in - 1786
  • The first co-operative journal in the world The Co operator 
  • The Co operator Written by - Dr William King 
  • The Co operator published in the year - 1828


    ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...