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Showing posts with label Co operative Movement in Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Co operative Movement in Italy. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Co operative Movement in England


Co operative Movement England

  • Co operative party is a venture in England 
  • Father of co operative movement in the world - Robert Owen
  • Father of co operative movement  in England -Robert Owen
  • Father of British Socialism - Robert Owen
  • Robert Owen born on - 14th May 1771
  • The word Co operative Society first used by Robert Owen in his book the Economist
  • The book, The Economist published in - 1821
  • The book new view of society written by - Robert Owen
  • The Village co operative was founded by - Robert Owen 
  • The book " Principles of Environment " written by Robert Owen
  • Doctrine of Circumstances is the idea of  - Robert Owen
  • Labour exchange, Labour colonies, Labour note are the idea of - Robert Owen
  • New Harmony is the co operative colony started by Robert Owen in USA
  • Robert Owen is known as -Utopian Socialist
  • No competition, No money, No profit is a statement made by - Robert Owen 
  • Co operative wholesale stores started in England in 1863
  • " Owen did not invent co operation but he was the inspiration for the co operative Movement " said by CR Fay
  • First successful co operative society in the world - Rochdale equitable pioneer society
  • Rochdale equitable pioneer society also known as - Toad Line 2 Stores 
  • Roachdale Equitable Pioneer Society started on - 21st December 1844
  • Rochdale pioneers entered into wholesale trade in the year 1855
  • Formation of co operative principles was the main reason for the success of Rochdale Pioneers
  • The women member in Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society is - Eliza Brierley
  • First president of Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - CHARLES HOWRAH
  • First secretary of Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - JAMES DALY
  • At first 28 Members joined together to form Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society
  • The working capital of Rochdale Equitable pioneer Society - 28 Pounds
  • The members in Rochdale pioneers were engaged in flannel weaving 
  • The book Weavers of dream written by - David J Thomson
  • The book The History of Rochdale Pioneerwritten by - George Jacob Holyoke
  • The book A century of co operation in Rochdale  written by - Henry Brown 
  • Father of Co operative education - Dr William King
  • Dr William King known aschristian socialist
  • The christian socialist were responsible for passing of Industrial Provident Societies Act in 1852
  • Dr William King born in - 1786
  • The first co-operative journal in the world The Co operator 
  • The Co operator Written by - Dr William King 
  • The Co operator published in the year - 1828

    Tuesday 10 September 2019


    Luzzati is a co operator in Italy 
    The first co operative bank in Italy founded by Luzzati 
    The first bank founded by Luzzatti at Milan in the year 1866
    The main object of Luzzati's credit societies is to help the middle class people 
    The liability of luzzati bank was Limited 
    No fixed value of shares in Luzzati banks 
    The Italian people's bank organized in the urban area is called Banaca Popularie
    The value of share in a Luzzati Bank was between 5 Lira and 50 Lira
    The members in a Luzzati bank should be honest and reliable 
    The rate of interest allowed to deposits in Luzzati bank is very high
    The area of operation of Luzzati bank is a whole district 
    Casse Ruralie are the co operative banks  in Italy founded by Wollenburg were seen in rural areas
    The fascist national organization of co operation of Italy known as Ente
    Ente was a government organization
    Labour societies were formed in Italy 
    Labour societies in Italy were founded by Mazzini 
    The object of labour societies is to provide employment to members 
    The value of one share in labour society is 50 Lira
    The most striking point of labour co operative movement in italy was Consortium 
    Consortium are formed under a statute 
    At least 5 societies can form a consortium 
    Each member co operative society has to subscribe the share capital of consortium  of at least 25, 000 Lira


    ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...