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Showing posts with label Foreign Co operation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foreign Co operation. Show all posts

Friday 20 March 2020


Birth of Robert Owen - 1771
Birth of Charles Fourier - 1772
Birth of William King - 1786
Birth of Schulze - 1808
Birth of F W Reiffesen - 1818
The economist published - 1821
Co operator published - 1828
Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - 1844
Schulze bank started - 1850
Industrial Provident Societies Act - 1852
Birth of Horace Plunkett - 1854
Reiffesen Societies started - 1862
Co operative whole sale stores started in England - 1863
Reiffesen union started - 1877
ICA established in Britain - 1895
Co operative flag designed - 1921
Co operative flag adopted - 1923
ICA accepted co operative principles - 1937
Reformulated co operative principles - 1966
ICA headquarters shifted to Geneva - 1982
ICA accepted the 7th co operative principle at Manchester - 1995
ICA new Flag - 2001
International Year of Co operation - 2012
ICA new logo - 2013

Wednesday 22 January 2020


  • Marketing co operatives are very strong in Sweden
  • Swedish co operative union and wholesale society is known as Kooperative Forbundet ( KF )
  • The Kooperative Forbundet ( KF ) was established in the year 1899
  • WE is the publication of KF
  • VAR GARD is the college started by KF
  • Burial co operatives were founded in Sweden
  • The first burial co operative society was Stockholm burial society 
  • Stockholm burial society founded in the year 1954
  • The golden rule Cash Trading followed by the co operatives in Sweden is the main reason for the success of co operatives in Sweden

Monday 28 October 2019


India               -   Federic Nicholson
England          -   Robert Owen 
Germany        -  F W Reiffesen 
USA                 -  Hudson Kelly
France            -  Charles Fourier 
Denmark       -   H C Soune
Israel              -   Bon Edmound
Ireland           -   Horace Plunket
China              -   Sun Yat Sen


Sunday 20 October 2019


  • Co operative movement in India is a Government sponsored movement 
  • Deccan Agricultural Relief Act 1879
  • Land Improvement Loan Act 1883
  • Agricultural Loan Act 1884
  • Land Improvement Loan Act 1883 and Agricultural Loan Act 1884 together called Taccavi Loans
  • During 1892 Madras Government appoint Federic Nicholson to Study the village bank in Europe 
  • Father of co operative movement in India  Sir Federic Nicholson 
  • Sir Federic Nicholson submitted the report in 1895
  • The name of the report was" Find Reiffesen"
  • The report suggested to establish co operative societies for rural credit 
  • In 1901 Famine commission was established 
  • In 1904 the co operative credit society  Act was passed 
  • The Co operative Credit Societies Act passed on 25 March 1904
  • First co operative law in India is Co operative Credit Society Act 1904
  • Lord Curzon was the viceroy in 1904

 The main features of the Act 1904 were

  1. The Act has 29 sections
  2. Minimum number of person required to start a co operative societies were 10 person 
  3. Societies were classified on Rural and Urban
  4. Rural societies were to be organized on Reiffesen model 
  5. Liability of the societies were Unlimited 
  6. Loans provided for members, only for productive purpose
  7. Urban societies were organized on Schulze Delitzsch Model 
  8. Liability of urban socities were Limited 
  9. Registrar was supported to be organized and control the society 
  10. One man one vote was specified in this Act  
  11. Non credit societies are not allowed to register as per this Act
  12. No member could hold shares worth more than Rs 1000         


Wednesday 11 September 2019


  • Co operative movement in canada started in the year 1870
  • The credit union movement in canada means Salary earners
  • Wheat is the most important corps in Canada
  • The first association in canada known as Grain Growers Association 
  • The Grain Growers Association founded in 1906
  • The Grain Growers Association was registered in 1911
  • In Canada, A wheat board for export  was set up by the government in 1919
  • Wheat pool is a organization for the improvement of social and economic conditions of the farmers in Canada 
  • The Canadians Wheat Board was set up by the government in 1935
  • In western Canada credit unions have been organized by farmers on the basis of communities
  • CHF is the Co operative Housing Federation in Canada

Tuesday 10 September 2019


Luzzati is a co operator in Italy 
The first co operative bank in Italy founded by Luzzati 
The first bank founded by Luzzatti at Milan in the year 1866
The main object of Luzzati's credit societies is to help the middle class people 
The liability of luzzati bank was Limited 
No fixed value of shares in Luzzati banks 
The Italian people's bank organized in the urban area is called Banaca Popularie
The value of share in a Luzzati Bank was between 5 Lira and 50 Lira
The members in a Luzzati bank should be honest and reliable 
The rate of interest allowed to deposits in Luzzati bank is very high
The area of operation of Luzzati bank is a whole district 
Casse Ruralie are the co operative banks  in Italy founded by Wollenburg were seen in rural areas
The fascist national organization of co operation of Italy known as Ente
Ente was a government organization
Labour societies were formed in Italy 
Labour societies in Italy were founded by Mazzini 
The object of labour societies is to provide employment to members 
The value of one share in labour society is 50 Lira
The most striking point of labour co operative movement in italy was Consortium 
Consortium are formed under a statute 
At least 5 societies can form a consortium 
Each member co operative society has to subscribe the share capital of consortium  of at least 25, 000 Lira

Thursday 5 September 2019


  • Multipurpose co operative societies are the special contribution of Japan in the field of agricultural co operation
  • Japan is famous for Fisheries Co operatives  
  • On the basis of fisheries law a national level federation came into being in japan which is called Zengyoren 
  • Unicoop was the agricultural fisheries co operatives in Japan
  • Unicoop Japan  was set up in 1961
  • The Japanese agricultural co operative system is based on Three tier Structure
  • The first credit association in Japan known as KOH 
  • KOH-TOKU-SHA is the modern credit association in Japan
  • The leader of Hoh Toku Sha was Son Toku Ninomiya 
  • In Japan consumer stores are established since 1879 
  •  Co operative law of Japan established in 1900 
  • The consumer co operative Act of Japan passed in 1938 
  • Industrial co operatives had established in 1949
  • Co operative legislation in Japan was Industrial Co Operative Law
  • Zen-Noh is the national federation of agricultural co operation in Japan
  • Zen Noh founded in1972
  • Hotokusha is the mutual savings and credit society in Japan

Wednesday 4 September 2019


  • Hudson Kelly is considered as the originator of co operative movement in USA
  • Hudson Kelly started a new co operative business in America called Granges
  • The period following enactment of the law of 1865 in USA called as Grange movement 
  • The Grange movement was started by Hudson Kelly
  • The first co operative organization Bees had a purely rural background in USA
  • In the field of livestock marketing co-operatives have been organized in USA
  • Packing plants arrange for curing and slaughtering of meat and marketing of  the product of USA
  • Packing plants are also called slaughter houses in USA
  • In USA fruits and vegetables marketing  co operatives is the agency for the marketing of fruit and vegetables in the international market 
  • Health Maintenance organization in USA is called HMOs
  • The Federal Land Bank provides long-term loan to farmers in USA
  • The intermediate credit bank provides short term rediscounting  facilities to the co operatives in USA


  • Consumer co operative movement with a pyramidal structure seen in Russia 
  • In the pyramidal structure in Russia, the consumer store called SELPO is at the base level
  • Territorial Unions at the middle level 
  • Centrosoyus at the top level 
  • The central union consumer store in Russia is called Centro Soyus
  • Kolkhoz is the local name of co operative collective farms in Russia 
  • Artel is the first form of co operative organizations in Russia

Sunday 1 September 2019


  • Father of co operative movement in Denmark is H C Soune
  • Denmark is the birth place of Dairy cooperative society 
  • Denmark known as the Dairy farm of Europe 
  • Co operation began in Denmark in the year 1882
  • Denmark is the birth place of agricultural  co operatives
  • In Denmark there is no co operative legislation 
  • Voluntary co operative movement was started by producers and  consumers in  Denmark 
  • The Royal Agricultural Society was founded in 1769 at Denmark 
  • The first co operative store in Denmark established in 1866
  • The dairy products of co operatives in Denmark were sold under the trade name LURBRAND 
  • In Denmark sales was effected through a central society called as DAAG
  • In Denmark, the workers undertake an insurance society it is called as ALKA
  • The origin of Folk High School is from Denmark
  • Founder of Folk High School is NFS Gruntwig
  • Nordic Co operative Union is the joint purchasing organization for the consumer co operatives in Denmark 
  • The Danish co operative wholesale society was FDB

Saturday 31 August 2019


Herman Schulze
  • Herman Schulze born in 1808
  • Founder of urban co operative bank Herman Schulze
  • Schulze bank are also called Popular Bank
  • Founder of shoe makers co operative society in Germany Herman Schulze
  • The book Principles of Banking written by Herman Schulze
  • Paid management was the characteristics of Schulze societies 
  • Dr Ben Hardi was the companion of Schulze in organizing friendly societies 
  • Liability of schulze bank - Limited liability
  • Schulze founded the first credit association in 1850
  • Herman Schulze started the first loan society in 1850 at Delitzch
  • The rate of dividend was high in schulze type of societies 
  • In the Schulze bank the personal contact between the members was not possible 
  • The reserve fund of Schulze bank is maintained by transferring 15% - 20% of their annual profit 
  • The interest for loans granted in lumpsum varied from 5%-6% in schulze bank
  • The dividend rate paid by schulze bank was 10%
  • The schulze bank was organized on a democratic basis 
  • There was very close supervision for the use of loan in schulze bank


  • The birth place of  Co operative credit movement in the world - Germany
  • The birth place of co - operative land mortgage bank - Germany 
  • The birth place of co - operative Urban bank - Germany
  • NEUHEIMAT is a group of persons joined together on no profit basis for acquisition of houses in Germany 
  • The first consumer co operative society in Germany was ERMUNTERUNG
  • Co operative insurance in Germany known as ALTE-VOLKSFURSORAGE
  • Workers association in Germany known as HOMESTEADS
  • DESWOS is the association for social housing in Germany 
  • Investment banks are first originated in - Germany              
  • The Prussian central co operative bank in Germany established by was Dr Hass           

                  F W Reiffesen
  • F W Reiffesen is the father of co operative movement in Gemany
  • F W Reiffesen Born at ham in Germany
  • F W Reiffesen Born on 30th March 1818
  • FW Reiffesen known as apostle of co-operation
  • The motto of All for Each and Each for All was first used by F W Reiffesen
  • Poor people committee organized by Reiffesen 
  • Reiffesen organised credit society with unlimited liability in rural area 
  • Reiffesen union was started in the year 1877 
  • F W Reiffesen started his first Credit Society at An Houssen
  • Village society  was the first society started by Reiffesen 
  • F W Reiffesen started village society in the year 1862
  • Heddesdorf loan society was considered as the first co operative of Reiffesen tradition
  • Reiffesen founded the Heddesdorf society in1864
  • In Reiffesen type societies the value of share is very low
  • Major portion of the profit was transferred to Reserve fund in Reiffesen societies 
  • Reiffesen gave more importants to moral and material well being of members. 
  • The object of a Reiffesen bank was economic emancipation of farmers 
  • The area of operation of the Reiffesen bank was limited 
  • The membership of Reiffesen bank was limited 
  • Deposits accepted from members and non members in Reiffesen Societies 
  • Interest paid by Reiffesen bank was 4% - 5%
  • The only paid servant in Reiffesen  society was the Accountant

Thursday 29 August 2019


  • Father of Co operative education - Dr William King
  • Dr William King known as - christian socialist
  • The christian socialist were responsible for passing of Industrial Provident Societies Act in 1852
  • Dr William King born in - 1786
  • The first co-operative journal in the world The Co operator 
  • The Co operator Written by - Dr William King
  • The Co operator published in the year - 1828


  • First successful co operative society in the world - Rochdale equitable pioneer society
  • Rochdale equitable pioneer society also known as - Toad Line 2 Stores
  • Roachdale Equitable Pioneer Society started on - 21st December 1844
  • Rochdale pioneers entered into wholesale trade in the year 1855
  • Formation of co operative principles was the main reason for the success of Rochdale Pioneers
  • The women member in Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society is - Eliza Brierley
  • First president of Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - CHARLES HOWRAH
  • First secretary of Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - JAMES DALY
  • At first 28 Members joined together to form Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society
  • The working capital of Rochdale Equitable pioneer Society - 28 Pounds
  • The members in Rochdale pioneers were engaged in flannel weaving 
  • The book Weavers of dream written by - David J Thomson
  • The book The History of Rochdale Pioneers written by - George Jacob Holyoke
  • The book A century of co operation in Rochdale  written by - Henry Brown

Wednesday 28 August 2019


Co operative Movement England

  • Co operative party is a venture in England 
  • Father of co operative movement in the world - Robert Owen
  • Father of co operative movement  in England -Robert Owen
  • Father of British Socialism - Robert Owen
  • Robert Owen born on - 14th May 1771
  • The word Co operative Society first used by Robert Owen in his book the Economist
  • The book, The Economist published in - 1821
  • The book new view of society written by - Robert Owen
  • The Village co operative was founded by - Robert Owen 
  • The book " Principles of Environment " written by Robert Owen
  • Doctrine of Circumstances is the idea of  - Robert Owen
  • Labour exchange, Labour colonies, Labour note are the idea of - Robert Owen
  • New Harmony is the co operative colony started by Robert Owen in USA
  • Robert Owen is known as -Utopian Socialist
  • No competition, No money, No profit is a statement made by - Robert Owen 
  • Co operative wholesale stores started in England in 1863
  • " Owen did not invent co operation but he was the inspiration for the co operative Movement " said by CR Fay


ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...