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Showing posts with label ICA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICA. Show all posts

Monday 16 September 2019


  • Co operative  flag known as Rainbow Flag  
  • The Co operative flag designed by Charles Gide  
  • Charles Gide was a French Economist  
  • ICA designed the flag in 1921 
  •  The co operative flag used in the first international co operative day celebration at London in 1923  
  • The rainbow flag was instituted in 1923 on the occasion of the first International Co operative Day Celebration in the UK  
  • ICA adopted its original rainbow flag in 1925  
  • Co operative flag denote unity in diversity  
  • Co operative flag have 7 colours  
  • Red at the top  
  • Violet  at the bottom 

  • The ideal of colour  co operative flag are
  1. Red            Dynamic and  fundamental                        change
  2. Orange      Courage 
  3. Yellow       Quality, Happiness 
  4. Green        Youth, Growth and                                        Prosperity 
  5. Blue            Justice 
  6. Indigo        Harmony 
  7. Violet         Felt need 
  • Significance of colour of Flag
  • Red         Humanity 
  • Blue        Democracy 
  • Yellow    Equity 
  • In 2001 ICA adopted a new flag

  • ICA adopted the new flag at the General Assembly Seoul
  • The flag show ICA seven colour logo on a white background
  • The logo depicts a quarter rainbow with a flock of stylized doves of peace scattering from the top and the letter ICA underneath
  • The rainbow has only six stripes Red , Orange , Yellow , Green , Light blue , Dark blue 
  • Red    -     Courage
  • Orange     -     Vision of possibilities
  • Yellow      -    The challenge that greed has  kindled   
  • Green     -     Growth , a challenge that co operators to strive for growth of membership ando understanding of aim and value of co operation 
  • Sky blue    -    Suggest for horizons , the  need to provide education and help to unfortunate people and to strive towards global unity 
  • Dark blue   -  Suggest pessimism , reminding  us of less  fortunate people in the  world are in need of the benefits from co operation 
  • Violet      -     The colour of warmth  ,  beauty and friendship

Saturday 14 September 2019


  • ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance 
  • ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world
  • ICA established on 19th August 1895 in London UK
  • The first Co operative day celebrated by ICA  in the year 1923
  • The co operative day is celebrated on first saturday of every july
  • In 1937 ICA undertakes its first review of the Co operative Principles
  • In 1966 ICA undertakes its second review of co operative principles
  • In 1995 ICA adopt revised co operative principles and value and add a seventh principle concern for community 
  • In 2012 united nations celebrated as international year of co operatives
  • The ICA represent 313 co operative federations and organisation in 109 countries 
  • The first president of ICA Earl Gray
  • The first secretary of ICA Edward Owen Greening
  • At Present Ariel Guarco is President of ICA 
  • Ariel Guarco belongs to Argentina 
  • The first women president of ICA was Dame Pauline Green ( 2009 )
  • The first headquarters of ICA was London  UK ( 1895 )
  • In 1982 ICA moves its headquarters from london UK to Geneva Switzerland 
  • In 2013 ICA shifted its headquarters from Geneva to Brussels in Belgium 


ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...