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Showing posts with label Kerala PSC junior co operative inspector previous Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kerala PSC junior co operative inspector previous Questions. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 May 2022

CSEB Previous Question 7

 1 . Farming societies in Russia known as ?

            Ans : Kolkhoz

2 . The system of note issue followed by RBI ?

           Ans : Minimum Reserve System

3 . The headquarters of Hudco is at ?

           Ans : Delhi 

4 . Delcredere commission is usually  calculated on ? 

           Ans : Total Sales

5 . Unearned income is a ?

          Ans : Liability

 6 . Quorum for special general body  meeting  ?

          Ans: 1/3 majority 

 7 . Any officer who exicute an award or  decree is called ?

           Ans : Sale officer 

 8 . The salary and allowances of co  operative Tribunal decided by ? 

          Ans : Government

 9 . The chief exicute of PACS ?

           Ans : Secretary 

10 . The structure of co operatives in Kerala  is ? 

             Ans : Federal type

11 . First society registered under the Cochin co operative society Act ? 

              Ans : Edavanakkad Service co operative society 

12. The monitory disputes shall be referred    to ? 

              Ans : Registrar 

13. Quorum for meeting of a Circle co co operative union is ? 

              Ans : 8

14. A smaller general body constituted out            of  of general body is ? 

            Ans : Representative general body

15. Registrar of diary co operative societies          in Kerala ? 

              Ans : Director of Diary Development

16. The bank draft drawn by ? 

               Ans : Bank 

17. A bill is drawn by ? 

               Ans : creditor 

18. Another name of quantitative credit                control ? 

               Ans : General credit control

19. Deligation of authority of registrar                    mentioned in ? 

         Ans : The co operative socities Act 1912 

20. Credit to an income means ? 

              Ans : Increase

21. Poor people committee organised by ? 

              Ans : Reiffesen 

22. General ledger known as ? 

               Ans : Impersonal ledger

23. A country which no co operative.                       legislation ? 

                Ans : Denmark

24. ICA ROAP inaugurated by ? 

               Ans : Jawaharlal Nehru

25. The president of school co operative                society is ? 

               Ans : Headmaster


ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...