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Showing posts with label NAFED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NAFED. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 November 2019

National Agricultural Co operative Marketing Federation of India Ltd( NAFED )

  • National Agricultural Co operative Marketing Federation of India called  NAFED
  • NAFED established on 2nd October 1958
  • NAFED is the apex organization of marketing co operatives in India
  • NAFED is registered under Multi state co operative Societies Act 1942
  • Headquarters of NAFED in New delhi
  • NAFED have 4 regional offices New delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata
  • NAFED have 28 zonal offices across India
  • Nodel agency for implementing Price Supporting scheme of Govt is NAFED
  • National Spot Exchange related with NAFED
  • NAFED registered under multi state co operative societies Act of 1942
  • The bio fertilizer plant of NAFED is situated at  Indore 
  • NAFED has a foreign terminal in Dubai
  • National Horticulture Research Development   Foundation ( NHRDF ) founded by NAFED in 1977
  • Govt has no equity participation in the share capital of NAFED 
  • Co operative tour is the publication of NAFED


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