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Showing posts with label Reserve Bank of India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reserve Bank of India. Show all posts

Saturday 19 October 2019


  • RBI Act passed in the year 1934
  • Reserve Bank of  India established on 1 April 1935
  • First headquarters of RBI in calcutta 
  • In 1937 RBI headquarter was transferred to Mumbai 
  • RBI nationalised in the year 1st January 1949
  • RBI is the Central bank of India 
  • Monitary policy of India controlled by RBI
  • First Governor of RBI sir Osborne Smith 
  • CD Deshmukh is the first Indian Governor of RBI
  • 15th Governor of RBI  Dr Manmohan Singh
  • 25th and Present Governor of RBI Sakti Kanta Das
  • RBI is the custodian of foreign exchange reserve in india
  • Service area approach was introduced by RBI
  • Credit control is the function of RBI
  • Regional Rural Banks get recommendation from RBI for opening branches
  • RBI introduced 14 day intermediate treasury bills and 14 day treasury bills on 1997
  • RBI introduced a bill rediscounting scheme in 1970



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