- The word Principle derived from the Latin word Principium
- The first society started by Woodviek and chaton in the year 1760
- George Davidonic said that co operative Principles " They are set of rules which govern the life and activity of co operative organization "
- In the words DG Karve Co operative Principles is the " way of organizing and conducting and conducting co operative activities "
- In 1934 ICA appointed a committee to examine the Rochdale Principles
- This committe submitted the report in 1937 at ICA Congress Paris and divide the Rochdale Principles into two
1 . Essential Principles
2 . Non essential Principles
- Open membership
- Democratic management
- Limited interest on capital
- Payment of dividend on proportion to transaction
2. Non essential Principles
- Religious and political neutrality
- Cash trading
- Education
- In 1964 the central committee of ICA appointed a committee to redefine co operative Principles
- The chairman of the committee was DG Carve
- The committee submitted the report in 1966 at Vienna congress
- The accepted Principles were
- Voluntary and open membership
- Democratic control
- Distribution of surplus
- Limited internet on capital
- Co operative education
- Co operation among co operatives
- The sixth Principle co operation among co operatives known as Carve Principle and Principles of growth
- In 1995
- The seventh co operative Principle Concern for community accepted by ICA in the year 1995 at Manchester