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Friday 22 November 2019

National Housing Bank ( NHB )

             National Housing Bank ( NHB )

  • National Housing Bank is a Government of India enterprises 
  • National Housing Bank is an apex financial institution for banking 
  • NHB formed in 1988 July 9
  • NHB set up on the basis of NHB Act 1987
  • Headquarters of NHB is in New delhi 
  • Housing finance related to 7th Five year plan 
  • The Honorable Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi presenting the union budget on 28th February 1987 announced to establish National Housing Bank 
  • National Housing Bank bill 91 of 1987 
  • With the assent of the President of India R Venkataraman on 23rd December 1987 NHB ACT became the Act of Parliament 
  • NHB start functioning from 9th July  1988
  • Headquarters of NHB in New Delhi 
  • Awas Bharati is the publication of NHB 
  • " Promoting inclusive expansion with stability in housing finance market " is the vision of NHB 
  • Rural Housing Interested Scheem related to NHB 
  • NHB does not grant any loan directly to Individual 
  • NHB is fully owned by Government of India 


Sunday 17 November 2019

Inland Instruments

Inland instruments 

             A promissory note, Bill of  exchange, or Cheque drawn or made in India and made payable in or drawn upon any person resident in India shall be deemed to be an inland instrument

1. Promissory note

       Section 4 of Negotiable Instrument Act 1881  A promissory note is an instrument in writing  ( note being a bank note or a currency note ) containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the maker to pay a certain sum of money only to or to the order of certain person or to the bearer of the instrument 

2. Bill of Exchange 

          Section 5 of Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 a bill of exchange is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order signed by the maker, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument

3.  Cheque

           A cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Negotiable Instruments Act 1881

  • Negotiable Instrument Act 1881
  • Negotiable Instrument Act enacted by the parliament on 9th December 1881
  • The Negotiable Instrument Act Came into force on 1 March 1882
  • Upto 1988 the Act have 137 sections
  • The Main types of Negotiable Instruments are;

          1 Inland Instruments 
          2 Foreign Instruments 
          3 Bank
          4 Finance companies Draft

Important sections in NI Act
Section 4 - Promissory note
              5 - Bill of exchange
              6 - Cheque
              8 - Holder
              9 - Holder in due course
            10 - Payment in due course
            15 - Endorsement

National Federation of Fishermens Co operative Ltd ( FISHCOPFED )

  • The National Federation of Fishermen's Co operative Limited known as FISHCOPFED
  • In 1980 it is established as All India Federation of Fishermen Co operatives
  • In 1982 it is renamed as National Federation  of  Fishermen's Co operative Limited 
  • Headquarters of FISHCOPFED is Faridabad  in Haryana 
  • The quarterly publications of Fishcopfed are Fishcops and Minaloka
  • Fishcops in Hindi language and Minaloka in Odia language 


Tuesday 12 November 2019

National Co operative Housing Federation ( NCHF )

  • National Co operative Housing Federation of India known as NCHF
  • NCHF is the apex organization of co operative housing sector in India 
  • NCHF founded in 1969
  • Headquarters of NCHF at New Delhi
  • The state level apex co operative housing federations ACHF are the members of NCHF
  • The monthly publication of NCHF is NCHF Bulletin 



  • Anand Milk Union Limited popularly known as AMUL
  • AMUL founded on 14 December 1946
  • Founder of AMUL was Tribhuvandas Patel
  • Headquarters of AMUL at Anand in Gujrat
  • AMUL managed by Gujarat Co operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited ( GCMMF)


National Dairy Development Board ( NDDB )

  • National Dairy Development Board known as NDDB 
  • NDDB founded on 16 July 1965 
  • NDDB Act passed in 1987
  • Headquarters of NDDB at Anand in Gujarat
  • NDDB founded by Dr Varghese Kurian and Amrita Patel
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri was The Prime Minister of India when NDDB founded
  • NDDB working under the ministry of Agriculture
  • NDDB have 4 subsidiarias

     1 IDMC Limited in Anand
     2 Mother Dairy in Delhi
     3 NDDB Dairy Services in Delhi
     4 Indian Immunological Ltd in Hydrabad

  • Operation flood is project of NDDB 
  • Operation flood programme was introduced on 1st July 1970
  • Operation flood is the world largest agricultural dairy development programme
  • Operation flood also known as White Revaluation 
  • Father of White Revaluation Dr Varghese Kurien 
  • I too had a dream is the autobiography of Dr Varghese Kurian
  • Operation flood implemented in 3 stages
         > Phase 1     1970-80
         > Phase 2     1981-85
         > Phase 3     1985-96

Friday 8 November 2019

National Co operative Union of India ( NCUI )

  • National Co operative Union of India called as NCUI
  • NCUI is a national body responsible for Co operative education and training 
  • NCUI established in the year 1929
  • Headquarters of NCUI located at New delhi 
  • Former name of NCUI was All India  Co operative  Institute Association
  • NCUI registered under Multi unit  Co operative  Society Act 1942
  • NCUI organized co operative week in India 
  • The co operative week celebration in India started in the year 1954
  • In India co operative week celebrate on November 14 - 20 every year
  • The Co operator, is the monthly publication of NCUI
  • Gorhan Committee report related with NCUI 
  • Ultimate authority of NCUI is general body 
  • General body period of NCUI is 3 Year
  • Members of NCUI is 

          1 Govt of India
          2 Reserve Bank of India
          3 All state co operative unions
          4 State level and national level                           federations

  • The president of NCUI shall be the chairman of NCCT
  • Chief executive of NCUI shall be director of NCCT
Logo of NCUI

Wednesday 6 November 2019


  • National Council for Co operative Training known as NCCT
  • NCCT recommended by Dr M S Swaminathan committee in 1973
  • 'An Evergreen Revolution' is the book written by Dr M S Swaminathan
  • NCCT established on 1 July 1976
  • Headquarters of NCCT in New delhi 
  • First chairman of NCCT is D G Karve
  • NCCT have a Three tier structure 
  • Vamnicom in the apex level
  • Regional Institute of Co operative Managementin the middle level 
  • ICM at the bottom level
  • VAMNICOM  - Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co operative Management 
  • Headquarters of VAMNICOM at Pune
  • Co operative prospect is the publication of  VAMNICOM 
  • NCCT have five Regional Institute of co operative management 
  • Regional Institute of Co operative Management of NCCT are: Banglore, Chandigarh, Gandhinagar, Naida, Patna
  • NCCT have 19 ICM

National Agricultural Co operative Marketing Federation of India Ltd( NAFED )

  • National Agricultural Co operative Marketing Federation of India called  NAFED
  • NAFED established on 2nd October 1958
  • NAFED is the apex organization of marketing co operatives in India
  • NAFED is registered under Multi state co operative Societies Act 1942
  • Headquarters of NAFED in New delhi
  • NAFED have 4 regional offices New delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata
  • NAFED have 28 zonal offices across India
  • Nodel agency for implementing Price Supporting scheme of Govt is NAFED
  • National Spot Exchange related with NAFED
  • NAFED registered under multi state co operative societies Act of 1942
  • The bio fertilizer plant of NAFED is situated at  Indore 
  • NAFED has a foreign terminal in Dubai
  • National Horticulture Research Development   Foundation ( NHRDF ) founded by NAFED in 1977
  • Govt has no equity participation in the share capital of NAFED 
  • Co operative tour is the publication of NAFED


ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...