- Co operative movement in India is a Government sponsored movement
- Deccan Agricultural Relief Act 1879
- Land Improvement Loan Act 1883
- Agricultural Loan Act 1884
- Land Improvement Loan Act 1883 and Agricultural Loan Act 1884 together called Taccavi Loans
- During 1892 Madras Government appoint Federic Nicholson to Study the village bank in Europe
- Father of co operative movement in India Sir Federic Nicholson
- Sir Federic Nicholson submitted the report in 1895
- The name of the report was" Find Reiffesen"
- The report suggested to establish co operative societies for rural credit
- In 1901 Famine commission was established
- In 1904 the co operative credit society Act was passed
- The Co operative Credit Societies Act passed on 25 March 1904
- First co operative law in India is Co operative Credit Society Act 1904
- Lord Curzon was the viceroy in 1904
The main features of the Act 1904 were
- The Act has 29 sections
- Minimum number of person required to start a co operative societies were 10 person
- Societies were classified on Rural and Urban
- Rural societies were to be organized on Reiffesen model
- Liability of the societies were Unlimited
- Loans provided for members, only for productive purpose
- Urban societies were organized on Schulze Delitzsch Model
- Liability of urban socities were Limited
- Registrar was supported to be organized and control the society
- One man one vote was specified in this Act
- Non credit societies are not allowed to register as per this Act
- No member could hold shares worth more than Rs 1000