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Friday 20 March 2020


Birth of Robert Owen - 1771
Birth of Charles Fourier - 1772
Birth of William King - 1786
Birth of Schulze - 1808
Birth of F W Reiffesen - 1818
The economist published - 1821
Co operator published - 1828
Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - 1844
Schulze bank started - 1850
Industrial Provident Societies Act - 1852
Birth of Horace Plunkett - 1854
Reiffesen Societies started - 1862
Co operative whole sale stores started in England - 1863
Reiffesen union started - 1877
ICA established in Britain - 1895
Co operative flag designed - 1921
Co operative flag adopted - 1923
ICA accepted co operative principles - 1937
Reformulated co operative principles - 1966
ICA headquarters shifted to Geneva - 1982
ICA accepted the 7th co operative principle at Manchester - 1995
ICA new Flag - 2001
International Year of Co operation - 2012
ICA new logo - 2013

Wednesday 4 March 2020


  • State co operative union of Kerala established on 21 November 1970 
  • Headquarters Sanastha Sahakarana Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram  
  • Monthly publication of State Co operative union is Co operative Journal  
  • Co operative journal published in year 1952 
  • Kerala Institute of Co operative Management (KICMA ) is an institution functioning under the control of State co operative union  
  • KICMA formed in 1999  
  • Headquarters of KICMA is at Neyyar Dam 
  • State co operative union is the custodian of Education fund  
  • Cochin co operative institute, North malabar co operative union and Travancore co operative institution were together to form Kerala State Co operative union  
  • Cochin co operative Institute established in 1930  
  • North Malabar Co operative union formed in 1932  
  • Travancore co operative institution established in 1947  
  • Section 89 of KCS Act related with State Co operative union  
  • State co operative union is a statutory body  
  • Chairman of State Co operative Union is Registrar of Kerala  
  • Secretary of State Co operative Union is Additional Registrar  
  • State Co operative Union have elected general body and managing committee  
  • State co operative union managing committee have 23 member including 2 nominated by the Government  
  • Quorum of Managing committee is 12  
  • For convening general body meeting the State Co operative union must give 15 days notice in advance  
  • For convening Managing committee State co operative Union must give 7 days notice in advance  
  • General body meeting and Managing committee presided by the Registrar  
  • Period of Managing committee 5 year  
  • All co operative Societies in Kerala affiliated with State co operative union  
  • Affiliation fees payable to State Co operative Union  
  • Minimum Affiliation fees is 100 rupees and maximum is 2000 rupees.
  • A new co operative society affiliated with State co operative union within 6 months from the date of registration  
  • Affiliation fee is calculated on the basis of paid up share capital  
  • State co operative union have no audit fee  
  • Audit of State co operative union conducted by Director of Co operative Audit ( DCA )

Tuesday 3 March 2020

All India Rural Credit Review Committee ( AIRCRC )

  • All India Rural Credit Review Committee (AIRCRC) appointed in July 1966
  • AIRCRC appointed by RBI
  • AIRCRC submitted report in 1969
  • Chairman of AIRCRC was B Venkatappiah
  1. Formation of Small Farmers Development Bank ( SFDB )
  2. Agricultural Refinance Corporation
  3. Agricultural Credit Board
  4. Rural Electrification Corporation
  5. Multi agency approach in rural credit
  6. Promotion of animal husbandry and dairy

Sunday 1 March 2020

Basics in Accounting

            Accounting is " recording classifying and summarising in a significant manner in terms of money transaction and event which are in part atleast of financial character and interpreting the results thereof"

 Branches of Accounting

  1. Financial Accounting
  2. Cost Accounting
  3. Management Accounting

  1. Financial Accounting.                                                     Financial Accounting is the original form of accounting. The purpose of financial accounting is to record transactions in the books of accounts and to prepare the financial statements and interpreting the results
  2. Cost Accounting.                                                        Cost Accounting as classifying recording and appropriate allocation of expenditure for determination of costs of products or services and for the presentation of suitably arranged data purposes of control and guidance of management
  3. Management Accounting.                                      Management Accounting is the adaption and analysis of Accounting information and it's diagnosis and explanation in such a way as to assist management


ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...