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Thursday 16 September 2021

CSEB Previous Question 4

 1. President of NCDC ? 

         Ans : Union Agriculture Minister 

2. Lead link Scheme implemented in ? 

         Ans : 1976 

3. Area of operation of branch banking ? 

        Ans : Unlimited 

4. Section 6 (b) of NI Act ?

       Ans : Truncated Cheque

5. The delivery of goods by one person to            another for some purpose upon a contract      is called as ?

        Ans : Bailment

6. The clearing house activities in Kerala            coordinated by ? 

        Ans : SBI 

7. Auditor plan of action is known as ? 

        Ans : Audit Program 

8. The first international co operative day          was celebrated in ? 

        Ans : 7- 7- 1923 

9. The duty of publishing the preliminary            voters list of a co operative society in                Kerala is ? 

         Ans : Electoral officer 

10. Assets subject to depletion are called ? 

         Ans : Wasting assets

11. Full form of CIBIL ?

         Ans : Credit Information Bureau India                        Limited

12. The application for registration is                       submitted by ?

          Ans : Chief promoter 

13. The president and office bearers of the            Society shall be elected within ?

       Ans : 7 days 

14. The total number of rules in the KCS Act ?

       Ans : 201

15. The constitution of a co operative society         ?

       Ans : Byelaw

16. The winding up of a co operative society         is known as ?

       Ans : Liquidation

17. Co operation is included in the schedule           of Indian Constitution ?

        Ans : seven

18. Internal auditors of a co operative                    society is appointed by ?

      Ans : Managing committee

19. The co operative service examination               board shall consists of not more than               members ? 

       Ans : 3

20. One man one vote Principle                                 recommended by ? 

       Ans : Mac Lagan Committee

21. The custodian of minute Book of a co               operative society ? 

       Ans : Secretary

22. Neethy stores was started in Kerala in ?

       Ans : 1997

23. The number of members in a co                        operative tribunal ? 

       Ans : One 

24. Registration of partnership is ?

       Ans : Optional 

25. A bank reconciliation statement is                     prepared by ? 

       Ans : Customer 

26. A co operative society defined in ?

       Ans : Section 2h of KCS Act

27. District level Audit officer for a co                    operative society ? 

      Ans : Joint Director

28. The president and office bearers of the            Society shall be elected within of election        days from the date ?

       Ans : 7 days

29. Auditors create provisions for ?

      Ans : Overdue

30. The managing committee of state co                operative union consists of ?

     Ans : 23

31. Number of ICDP projects in kerala ?

      Ans : 5

32. Chairman of NABARD is appointed by ?

      Ans : Govt of India

33. The secretary of Circle co operative                   union ?

      Ans : Assistant Registrar

34. The custodian of professional education           fund ?

       Ans : Registrar of co operative society

35. The technical enquiry report in PCARDB         is prepared by ? 

       Ans : Valuation officer 

36. The first marketing society in India ?

       Ans : Hubli

37. Thrift fund is created by ?

       Ans : Handloom weavers Society

38. An employee of a co operative society              dismissed by ?

      Ans : President

39. Highest award given to the best co                    operator in India is ? 

      Ans : Sadanandan Award

40. DV files maintained by ?

       Ans : Agricultural and Rural                                         Development Bank 

41. Loss of goods by fire may be ?

        Ans : Credited to Trading account

42. The accounting equation is based on ? 

       Ans : Dual aspect consept

43. Author of the book ' Fundamental of co          operation ' ? 

      Ans : S . S . Puri

44. Investment banks are also called as ? 

       Ans : Industrial Bank

45. Sinking fund is usually created in ? 

       Ans : State agricultural and rural                                 development bank 

46. The headquarters of marketfed ?

       Ans : Cochin

47. The monthly publication of NCUI ?

       Ans : The co operator

48. The first non Agricultural Credit Society           in India established at ? 

      Ans : Baroda

49. Bills payable is a ? 

       Ans : Liability

50. Surabhi is an apex co operative society            of ?

      Ans : Handicraft Society

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ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...