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Saturday 4 September 2021

Registration of co operative society in Kerala

  • Minimum number of persons required for registering a co operative society in Kerala is 25  
  • The first committee formed for registration of a society is promoters  committee 
  • Promoters committee consists of 3 to 5 members 
  • The chief promoter elected by promoters committee
  • The first general body meeting of a co operative society convened by chief promoter 
  • The first general body meeting of a co operative society shall be convened within the period of three months 
  • The chief promoter fail to convene the first general body within three months it shall be convened by any person authorised by Registrar of co operative  society  
  • The share suspense collected by the chief promoter shall be deposited in the central bank within 14 days
  • The application for Registration should be enclosed with , three copies of proposed draft byelaw, certificate from the bank showing the credit balance , Two copies  list the persons who contributed the share capital , Viability certificate , any other information required by Registrar of co operative Society 
  • The form for application shall be submitted in duplicate and a court fee stamp of rupees 5 should be affixed to the original application  
  • Every application shall be attached with a challan receipt for Registration fee, The payment of Registration fee related with the area of operation of the Societies
         1. Area of operation within a district ₹                 5000 

         2. Area of operation more than one                       district  ₹ 10000

         3. Area of operation within a taluk                       ₹ 2000 

        4. Area of operation more a taluk less                  than a district ₹ 4000 

        5. Women or SC / ST Societies ₹ 500 

        6. School Societies ₹ 100
  • The registration certificate is the conclusive evidence of a co operative society 
  • A society start it's functioning  only after conducting it's first general body meeting after getting the Registration 
  • The application for registration of a society to be submitted in form No 1 
  • The Registration certificate shall be issued by the Registrar in form No 3 

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ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...