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Saturday 18 April 2020

CSEB Previous Question 1

1.Who is the father of co operation ?

       Ans : Robert Owen

2. Closing stock is a ?

       Ans : Asset

3. NABARD is a ?

       Ans : Development Bank

4. Village level Dairy co operative Societies        are known as ?

       Ans : Apcos

5. Bank without any branch is called as ?

       Ans : Unit Bank

6. All expenses account are known as ?

       Ans : Nominal Account

7. First Development Bank in India ?

       Ans : IFCI

8. The largest fertilizer factory in Asia ?

      Ans : IFFCO

9. Section 9 of NI Act deals with ?

      Ans : Holder in due course

10. Grameeya is the half yearly publication          of ?

      Ans : NABARD

11. Father of co operative credit Movement?

      Ans : FW Reiffesen

12. Protest is issued by ?

      Ans : Notary public

13. Village adoption scheme is related with?

        Ans : SBI

14. The supreme body of NCDC ?

      Ans : General Council

15. Village Co operatives were founded by ?

      Ans : Robert Owen

16. The apex institution in the field of                     industrial finance ?

      Ans : IDBI

17. Debit in asset means ?

      Ans : Increase

18. Depreciation for property and building?

      Ans : 2.5%

19. Cash reserve ratio is determined by ?

      Ans : RBI

20. Depreciation of iron mine due to ?

      Ans : Depletion

21. Cancellation of shares is called as ?

      Ans : Forfeiture

22. Which banks are called as Romance of            co operation ?

      Ans : Urban Banks

23. An agreement enforceable by law is                called ?

      Ans : Contract

24. Miscellaneous journal means ?

      Ans : Journal proper

25. A group of account is known as ?

      Ans : Ledger 

26. Accounting Principles are based on ? 

      Ans : Practicability 

27. Purchase return is called as ?

      Ans : Return outward 

28 . Gross block means ? 

      Ans : Fixed Assets 

29. In which year FEMA replaced as FERA ? 

      Ans : 2000 

30 . Bank of Hindustan established in the 
        year ?  

      Ans : 1770 

31 . Full form of TDS ? 

       Ans : Tax Deducted at Source 

32 . The date in which bill of exchange
        become payable is ? 

       Ans : Due date 

33 . The compulsory audit in co operative 
        society is ? 

        Ans : Final audit 

34 . What is TNUVA ? 

        Ans : Central marketing co operative for 
                   agricultural products in Israel 

35 . Indian Co operative Review is a 
       publication of ? 

       Ans : NCUI 

36 . The major source of revenue of a 
        business is ? 

      Ans : Sales 

37 . Tour Fed was established in the year ? 

     Ans : 2011

38 . Another name for quantitative credit
       control is ? 

     Ans : General Credit Control 

39 . Audit the accounts of the co operative 
       society is the responsibility of ? 

      Ans : Managing committee 

40 . Wilfully created mistakes are ? 

      Ans : fraud

41 . National Co operative Development 
       Fund is administered by ? 

       Ans : NCDC 

42 . Banking companies Act passed in the
        year ?
        Ans : 1949 

43. Maximum audit fee for co operative
      Societies in Kerala ? 

       Ans : One lakh

44. The book of final entry ?

       Ans : Ledger

45. The liability of partnership is ?

       Ans : Unlimited

46. In a co operative society liability in
      balance Sheet are arranged in the order
      of ?

      Ans : Permanency

47. The book ' century of co operation '
      written by ?

       Ans : GDH Cole

48. Headquarters of KRIBHCO situated at ? 

       Ans : Noida

49. Regional Rural Banks established in ? 

        Ans : 1975

50. The promoters committee consists of ?

        Ans : 3 - 5 members

Friday 20 March 2020


Birth of Robert Owen - 1771
Birth of Charles Fourier - 1772
Birth of William King - 1786
Birth of Schulze - 1808
Birth of F W Reiffesen - 1818
The economist published - 1821
Co operator published - 1828
Rochdale Equitable Pioneer Society - 1844
Schulze bank started - 1850
Industrial Provident Societies Act - 1852
Birth of Horace Plunkett - 1854
Reiffesen Societies started - 1862
Co operative whole sale stores started in England - 1863
Reiffesen union started - 1877
ICA established in Britain - 1895
Co operative flag designed - 1921
Co operative flag adopted - 1923
ICA accepted co operative principles - 1937
Reformulated co operative principles - 1966
ICA headquarters shifted to Geneva - 1982
ICA accepted the 7th co operative principle at Manchester - 1995
ICA new Flag - 2001
International Year of Co operation - 2012
ICA new logo - 2013

Wednesday 4 March 2020


  • State co operative union of Kerala established on 21 November 1970 
  • Headquarters Sanastha Sahakarana Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram  
  • Monthly publication of State Co operative union is Co operative Journal  
  • Co operative journal published in year 1952 
  • Kerala Institute of Co operative Management (KICMA ) is an institution functioning under the control of State co operative union  
  • KICMA formed in 1999  
  • Headquarters of KICMA is at Neyyar Dam 
  • State co operative union is the custodian of Education fund  
  • Cochin co operative institute, North malabar co operative union and Travancore co operative institution were together to form Kerala State Co operative union  
  • Cochin co operative Institute established in 1930  
  • North Malabar Co operative union formed in 1932  
  • Travancore co operative institution established in 1947  
  • Section 89 of KCS Act related with State Co operative union  
  • State co operative union is a statutory body  
  • Chairman of State Co operative Union is Registrar of Kerala  
  • Secretary of State Co operative Union is Additional Registrar  
  • State Co operative Union have elected general body and managing committee  
  • State co operative union managing committee have 23 member including 2 nominated by the Government  
  • Quorum of Managing committee is 12  
  • For convening general body meeting the State Co operative union must give 15 days notice in advance  
  • For convening Managing committee State co operative Union must give 7 days notice in advance  
  • General body meeting and Managing committee presided by the Registrar  
  • Period of Managing committee 5 year  
  • All co operative Societies in Kerala affiliated with State co operative union  
  • Affiliation fees payable to State Co operative Union  
  • Minimum Affiliation fees is 100 rupees and maximum is 2000 rupees.
  • A new co operative society affiliated with State co operative union within 6 months from the date of registration  
  • Affiliation fee is calculated on the basis of paid up share capital  
  • State co operative union have no audit fee  
  • Audit of State co operative union conducted by Director of Co operative Audit ( DCA )

Tuesday 3 March 2020

All India Rural Credit Review Committee ( AIRCRC )

  • All India Rural Credit Review Committee (AIRCRC) appointed in July 1966
  • AIRCRC appointed by RBI
  • AIRCRC submitted report in 1969
  • Chairman of AIRCRC was B Venkatappiah
  1. Formation of Small Farmers Development Bank ( SFDB )
  2. Agricultural Refinance Corporation
  3. Agricultural Credit Board
  4. Rural Electrification Corporation
  5. Multi agency approach in rural credit
  6. Promotion of animal husbandry and dairy

Sunday 1 March 2020

Basics in Accounting

            Accounting is " recording classifying and summarising in a significant manner in terms of money transaction and event which are in part atleast of financial character and interpreting the results thereof"

 Branches of Accounting

  1. Financial Accounting
  2. Cost Accounting
  3. Management Accounting

  1. Financial Accounting.                                                     Financial Accounting is the original form of accounting. The purpose of financial accounting is to record transactions in the books of accounts and to prepare the financial statements and interpreting the results
  2. Cost Accounting.                                                        Cost Accounting as classifying recording and appropriate allocation of expenditure for determination of costs of products or services and for the presentation of suitably arranged data purposes of control and guidance of management
  3. Management Accounting.                                      Management Accounting is the adaption and analysis of Accounting information and it's diagnosis and explanation in such a way as to assist management

Wednesday 12 February 2020


  • Kerala Women Co operative Federation Ltd known as Vanithfed
  • Vanithfed is the apex federation of primary women co operative Societies in Kerala
  • Headquarters of Vanithfed at Thiruvananthapuram
  • Vanithfed registered on 20th December 2002
  • Vanithfed started functioning on 1st April 2003
  • Kera Kanthi virjin coconut oil is the product of Vanithfed
  • Chief executive of Vanithfed is Managing Director
  • In a primary Vanitha co operative society not less than 10% of net profit shall be set apart to member relief fund

Friday 7 February 2020

Apex Societies in Kerala and Headquarters

1.Kerala State Co operative Bank ( KSCB ) - Co bank Tower,  Thiruvananthapuram

2.Kerala State Co operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank ( KSCARDB ) - Thiruvananthapuram

3.Kerala State Co operative Consumer Federation ( Consumerfed ) - Ernakulam 

4.Kerala State Co operative Marketing Federation ( Marketfed ) - Kochi

5.Kerala State Co operative Rubber Marketing Federation ( Rubbermark ) - Kochi

6.Kerala State Co operative Housing Federation ( Housefed ) - Ernakulam 

7.Kerala State Co operative Hospital Federation ( Hospitlfed ) - Kochi

8.Kerala State SC/ST Federation ( SC/ST Fed )  - Thiruvananthapuram

9.Kerala Women Co operative Federation ( Vanithafed ) - Thiruvanthapuram

10.Kerala State Labour Co operative Federation ( Labourfed ) - Thiruvananthapuram

11.Kerala State Co operative Tourism Federation ( Tourfed ) - Thiruvananthapuram

12.Kerala Coconut Farmers Co operative Federation ( Kerafed ) - Thiruvananthapuram

Friday 31 January 2020

Rubber Mark

  • Kerala State Co operative Rubber Marketing Federation known as Rubber Mark
  • Rubber Mark is the Apex level special commodity marketing society in Kerala
  • Rubber Mark is an apex institution of the primary rubber Co operatives in Kerala
  • Rubber Mark founded in 1971
  • Headquarters of Rubber Mark in Cochin
  • Rubek balloon , Bharat jaiva , Kerala jaiva , Periyar mixture are the products of Rubber Mark 
  • Bharat jaiva , Kerala jaiva , Periyar mixture are fertilizers
  • Chief executive of Rubber Mark is Managing Director

Thursday 30 January 2020


  • Kerala Kerakarshaka Sahakarana Federation Ltd known as Kerafed
  • Kerafed is the apex co operative federation of coconut farmers in Kerala
  • Kerafed founded on 1987
  • Headquarters of Kerafed in Thiruvananthapuram
  • Chief executive of Kerafed is Managing        Director
  • 'Kera' is the brand name of coconut oil produced by Kerafed
  • 'Keragem Kesamrith' is the herbal hair oil produced by Kerafed
  • Commodity Grand related with Kerafed
  • Kerafed has two expeller oil extraction they are;

          1. Karunagappally in Kollam District
          2. Neduvannur in Kozhikode District

    Wednesday 29 January 2020


    • Kerala State Co operative Marketing Federation known as Marketfed
    • Marketfed began as a district wholesale co operative store on 24 December 1942
    • Area of operation at the initial stage was through out erstwhile Malabar District 
    • It start business on 14 January 1943
    • In 1958 the store was bought under plan scheme and converted into a marketing society
    • On 10th August 1960 this society converted into an apex federation of marketing societies in Kerala
    • The ultimate authority of Marketfed is general body
    • Chief executive of Marketfed is Managing Director
    • The first headquarters of Marketfed was Calicutt
    • Present headquarters is Ernakulam
    • In 1978 the headquarters of Marketfed transferred from calicutt to Ernakulam
    • Kerajam is the coconut oil produced by Marketfed


    ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...