1. Fixed deposit are also called as ?
Ans : Term deposit
2. The matters to be discussed in a meeting?
Ans : Agenda
3. Co operative common wealth introduced
Ans : D R Gadgil
4. The headquarters of NCDC at ?
Ans : Newdelhi
5. Chief executive of RBI is called as ?
Ans : Governor
6. One man one vote principle was
recommended by ?
Ans : Mac Lagan
7. Winding up of a co operative society m
means ?
Ans : Liquidation
8. Production bonus is related with ?
Ans : Dairy co operatives
9. Registration of partnership is ?
Ans : Optional
10 . World Bank and IMF are ?
Ans : Brettonwood twins
11 . Headquarters of consumerfed is in ?
Ans : Ernakulam
12 . In 1920, Land Mortgage Bank was first
established in ?
Ans : Jhang
13. A S 2 deals with ?
Ans : Inventory
14. Carriage inward appear in ?
Ans : Debit side of Trading account
15. Every society shall transfer atleast this
Ans : Term deposit
2. The matters to be discussed in a meeting?
Ans : Agenda
3. Co operative common wealth introduced
Ans : D R Gadgil
4. The headquarters of NCDC at ?
Ans : Newdelhi
5. Chief executive of RBI is called as ?
Ans : Governor
6. One man one vote principle was
recommended by ?
Ans : Mac Lagan
7. Winding up of a co operative society m
means ?
Ans : Liquidation
8. Production bonus is related with ?
Ans : Dairy co operatives
9. Registration of partnership is ?
Ans : Optional
10 . World Bank and IMF are ?
Ans : Brettonwood twins
11 . Headquarters of consumerfed is in ?
Ans : Ernakulam
12 . In 1920, Land Mortgage Bank was first
established in ?
Ans : Jhang
13. A S 2 deals with ?
Ans : Inventory
14. Carriage inward appear in ?
Ans : Debit side of Trading account
15. Every society shall transfer atleast this
much portion of net profit to
Reserve fund ?
Ans : 15%
16. Wholesale society KF was originated in ?
Ans : Sweden
17. What is also called plastic money ?
Ans : Credit card
18. NDDB set up for the development of
which product ?
Ans : Dairy
19. Co operative flag designed in ?
Ans : 1921
20. KCS Act came into effect from ?
Ans : 15/05/1969
21. Co operative flag designed by ?
Ans : Charles Gide
22. Each for all and all for each coined by ?
Ans : F W Reiffesen
23. Book of original entry ?
Ans : Day book
24. IRDB set up in ?
Ans : 1945
25. Which committee known as
co operative planning committee ?
Ans : Sarayia Committee
26. Exicutive body of NCDC ?
Ans : Managing committee
( including 12 members )
27. Implementing agency of ICDP ?
Ans : DCB's
28. RuPay card launched in the year ?
Ans : 2012
29. Vyasa stores are run by ?
Ans : Matsya fed
30. Where was the origin of folk high school?
Ans : Denmark
31. ICA ROAP was inaugurated in the year ?
Ans : 14 - November 1960
32. In India co operative week celebrated
first in the year ?
Ans : 1954
33. Induscos is related to co operative
Movement in ?
Ans : china
34. Apex level special commodity marketing
society in Kerala ?
Ans : Rubbermark
35. Minimum amount payable as education
fund by a co operative society out of net
profit is ?
Ans : 2000
36. In an apex Society ,nominees as per
section 31 are appointed by ?
Ans : Government
37. Model bye law are framed by ?
Ans : Registrar
38. Receipt and payment account of non
trading concern is a summary of ?
Ans : cash book
39. Credit balance in passbook indicates ?
Ans : Deposit
40. Source document for Credit sales of goods ?
Ans : Copy of invoice
41.Petty cash book is maintained to record ?
Ans : Small payments
42. Reserve for over due interest is shown ?
Ans : Debit side of profit and loss A/c
43. Output based wages is known as ?
Ans : Piece rate wages
44. Provision for bad debts is a ?
Ans : Income
45. The headquarters of IFCI is located at ?
Ans : New Delhi
46. When a noting charge paid by Drawer ,
the account to be debited is ?
Ans : Drawee
47. Garnishee order is issued by ?
Ans : Civil Court
48. If there is economic deflation bank rate will be ?
Ans :Reduced
49. Reserve fund is created out of ?
Ans : Net profit
50. Team audit introduced in the year ?
Ans : 1988