- Co operative flag known as Rainbow Flag
- The Co operative flag designed by Charles Gide
- Charles Gide was a French Economist
- ICA designed the flag in 1921
- The rainbow flag was instituted in 1923 on the occasion of the first International Co operative Day Celebration in the UK
- ICA adopted its original rainbow flag in 1925
- Co operative flag denote unity in diversity
- Co operative flag have 7 colours
- Red at the top
- Violet at the bottom

- The ideal of colour co operative flag are
- Red Dynamic and fundamental change
- Orange Courage
- Yellow Quality, Happiness
- Green Youth, Growth and Prosperity
- Blue Justice
- Indigo Harmony
- Violet Felt need
- Significance of colour of Flag
- Red Humanity
- Blue Democracy
- Yellow Equity
- In 2001 ICA adopted a new flag

- ICA adopted the new flag at the General Assembly Seoul
- The flag show ICA seven colour logo on a white background
- The logo depicts a quarter rainbow with a flock of stylized doves of peace scattering from the top and the letter ICA underneath
- The rainbow has only six stripes Red , Orange , Yellow , Green , Light blue , Dark blue
- Red - Courage
- Orange - Vision of possibilities
- Yellow - The challenge that greed has kindled
- Green - Growth , a challenge that co operators to strive for growth of membership ando understanding of aim and value of co operation
- Sky blue - Suggest for horizons , the need to provide education and help to unfortunate people and to strive towards global unity
- Dark blue - Suggest pessimism , reminding us of less fortunate people in the world are in need of the benefits from co operation
- Violet - The colour of warmth , beauty and friendship