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Wednesday 30 October 2019


  • The co operative societies Act came into force on 01-03-1912
  • Main objectives of 1912 Act is, Non credit co operative  societies were formed
  • This Act include 50 Sections
  • As per 1912 Act, Minimum number of persons required to form co operative society was 10
  • Societies were classified on the basis of liability, that is  limited and Unlimited 
  • Member should hold shares more than Rupees 1000
  • 25 Percentage of the profit transferred to Reserve fund
  • 75 percentage of the profit distributed to members 


Monday 28 October 2019

National Co operative Consumer Federation ( NCCF )

  • First consumer co operative society was set in Madras
  • Triplicane urban co operative Society  was the first consumer co operative society in India 
  • Consumer co operatives in India have a federal structure 
  • The spokesman of consumer co operative movement in India is NCCF
  • The National Co operative Consumer Federation of India Ltd ( NCCF ) is apex level consumer co operatives in India
  • NCCF established in 16  October 1965
  • NCCF start functioning from 1966
  • NCCF established at the time of fourth five year plan
  • NCCF is under the control of Ministry of consumer affairs
  • NCCF started it's first departmental store in Delhi
  • The first departmental store of NCCF in  Delhi ( Nehru palace ) 
  • Price Supporting Scheme ( PSS ) is related with NCCF



Types of Co operatives in India

  1. Consumer Cooperatives
  2. Producer Co operatives
  3. Marketing Co operatives
  4. Housing Co operatives
  5. Credit Co operatives
  6. Farming Co operatives  


India               -   Federic Nicholson
England          -   Robert Owen 
Germany        -  F W Reiffesen 
USA                 -  Hudson Kelly
France            -  Charles Fourier 
Denmark       -   H C Soune
Israel              -   Bon Edmound
Ireland           -   Horace Plunket
China              -   Sun Yat Sen


Sunday 20 October 2019


  • Co operative movement in India is a Government sponsored movement 
  • Deccan Agricultural Relief Act 1879
  • Land Improvement Loan Act 1883
  • Agricultural Loan Act 1884
  • Land Improvement Loan Act 1883 and Agricultural Loan Act 1884 together called Taccavi Loans
  • During 1892 Madras Government appoint Federic Nicholson to Study the village bank in Europe 
  • Father of co operative movement in India  Sir Federic Nicholson 
  • Sir Federic Nicholson submitted the report in 1895
  • The name of the report was" Find Reiffesen"
  • The report suggested to establish co operative societies for rural credit 
  • In 1901 Famine commission was established 
  • In 1904 the co operative credit society  Act was passed 
  • The Co operative Credit Societies Act passed on 25 March 1904
  • First co operative law in India is Co operative Credit Society Act 1904
  • Lord Curzon was the viceroy in 1904

 The main features of the Act 1904 were

  1. The Act has 29 sections
  2. Minimum number of person required to start a co operative societies were 10 person 
  3. Societies were classified on Rural and Urban
  4. Rural societies were to be organized on Reiffesen model 
  5. Liability of the societies were Unlimited 
  6. Loans provided for members, only for productive purpose
  7. Urban societies were organized on Schulze Delitzsch Model 
  8. Liability of urban socities were Limited 
  9. Registrar was supported to be organized and control the society 
  10. One man one vote was specified in this Act  
  11. Non credit societies are not allowed to register as per this Act
  12. No member could hold shares worth more than Rs 1000         


Saturday 19 October 2019


  • RBI Act passed in the year 1934
  • Reserve Bank of  India established on 1 April 1935
  • First headquarters of RBI in calcutta 
  • In 1937 RBI headquarter was transferred to Mumbai 
  • RBI nationalised in the year 1st January 1949
  • RBI is the Central bank of India 
  • Monitary policy of India controlled by RBI
  • First Governor of RBI sir Osborne Smith 
  • CD Deshmukh is the first Indian Governor of RBI
  • 15th Governor of RBI  Dr Manmohan Singh
  • 25th and Present Governor of RBI Sakti Kanta Das
  • RBI is the custodian of foreign exchange reserve in india
  • Service area approach was introduced by RBI
  • Credit control is the function of RBI
  • Regional Rural Banks get recommendation from RBI for opening branches
  • RBI introduced 14 day intermediate treasury bills and 14 day treasury bills on 1997
  • RBI introduced a bill rediscounting scheme in 1970


Friday 18 October 2019


  • NABARD - National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development Bank 
  • NABARD is a Development Bank 
  • For the request of Government of India RBI constitute a Committee to Review the Arrangement for Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development ( CRAFICARD
  • CRAFICARD established on 30th March 1979 
  • B Sivaraman was the chairman of CRAFICARD 
  • The committee submitted the interim report on 28 November 1979 and recommended the formation of NABARD 
  • The Parliament of India through Act 61 of 1981 approved the setting up of NABARD 
  • NABARD was came into existence on 12 July 1982 
  • Initial capital of NABARD is 100 crores 
  • Headquarters of NABARD is Mumbai 
  • First Chairman of NABARD was M Ramakrishnayya 
  • Present Chairman of NABARD  is Dr Harsh Kumar Bhanwala 
  • Sitting MP or MLA cannot became a member of  NABARD 
  • NABARD set up a committee to study about junior level co operative training centre, the chairman of the committee was G P Bhave 
  • The Swarozgar Credit Card System introduced by NABARD 
  • NABCONS & NABFINS are the subsidiaries of NABARD 
  • The training institute sponsored by NABARD is BIRD ( Bankers Institute for Rural Development  ) 
  • NABARD is the custodian of National Rural Credit Stabilization Fund 
  • Non overdue cover is a condition imposed by NABARD on the District co operative Bank 
  • Central government contribution to Regional rural banks are made through NABARD 
  • Grameeya is the half yearly publication of NABARD 
  • National Livestock Mission introduced by NABARD 
  • Dairy Infrastructure Development Fund related to NABARD 
  • The kissan credit card Scheme was started by government of India in consultation with RBI and NABARD 
  • NABARD regulate and supervise RRB's and Co operative Bank 
  • NABARD introduced Kissan Credit Card in 1998 
  • Kissan Credit Card recommended by RV Gupta Committee 
  • Kissan Credit Card for production and consumption need 
  • Self Help Group Bank Linkage Programme ( SHG BLP ) was introduced by NABARD 

Monday 16 September 2019


  • Co operative  flag known as Rainbow Flag  
  • The Co operative flag designed by Charles Gide  
  • Charles Gide was a French Economist  
  • ICA designed the flag in 1921 
  •  The co operative flag used in the first international co operative day celebration at London in 1923  
  • The rainbow flag was instituted in 1923 on the occasion of the first International Co operative Day Celebration in the UK  
  • ICA adopted its original rainbow flag in 1925  
  • Co operative flag denote unity in diversity  
  • Co operative flag have 7 colours  
  • Red at the top  
  • Violet  at the bottom 

  • The ideal of colour  co operative flag are
  1. Red            Dynamic and  fundamental                        change
  2. Orange      Courage 
  3. Yellow       Quality, Happiness 
  4. Green        Youth, Growth and                                        Prosperity 
  5. Blue            Justice 
  6. Indigo        Harmony 
  7. Violet         Felt need 
  • Significance of colour of Flag
  • Red         Humanity 
  • Blue        Democracy 
  • Yellow    Equity 
  • In 2001 ICA adopted a new flag

  • ICA adopted the new flag at the General Assembly Seoul
  • The flag show ICA seven colour logo on a white background
  • The logo depicts a quarter rainbow with a flock of stylized doves of peace scattering from the top and the letter ICA underneath
  • The rainbow has only six stripes Red , Orange , Yellow , Green , Light blue , Dark blue 
  • Red    -     Courage
  • Orange     -     Vision of possibilities
  • Yellow      -    The challenge that greed has  kindled   
  • Green     -     Growth , a challenge that co operators to strive for growth of membership ando understanding of aim and value of co operation 
  • Sky blue    -    Suggest for horizons , the  need to provide education and help to unfortunate people and to strive towards global unity 
  • Dark blue   -  Suggest pessimism , reminding  us of less  fortunate people in the  world are in need of the benefits from co operation 
  • Violet      -     The colour of warmth  ,  beauty and friendship

Saturday 14 September 2019


  • ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance 
  • ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world
  • ICA established on 19th August 1895 in London UK
  • The first Co operative day celebrated by ICA  in the year 1923
  • The co operative day is celebrated on first saturday of every july
  • In 1937 ICA undertakes its first review of the Co operative Principles
  • In 1966 ICA undertakes its second review of co operative principles
  • In 1995 ICA adopt revised co operative principles and value and add a seventh principle concern for community 
  • In 2012 united nations celebrated as international year of co operatives
  • The ICA represent 313 co operative federations and organisation in 109 countries 
  • The first president of ICA Earl Gray
  • The first secretary of ICA Edward Owen Greening
  • At Present Ariel Guarco is President of ICA 
  • Ariel Guarco belongs to Argentina 
  • The first women president of ICA was Dame Pauline Green ( 2009 )
  • The first headquarters of ICA was London  UK ( 1895 )
  • In 1982 ICA moves its headquarters from london UK to Geneva Switzerland 
  • In 2013 ICA shifted its headquarters from Geneva to Brussels in Belgium 

Wednesday 11 September 2019


  • Co operative movement in canada started in the year 1870
  • The credit union movement in canada means Salary earners
  • Wheat is the most important corps in Canada
  • The first association in canada known as Grain Growers Association 
  • The Grain Growers Association founded in 1906
  • The Grain Growers Association was registered in 1911
  • In Canada, A wheat board for export  was set up by the government in 1919
  • Wheat pool is a organization for the improvement of social and economic conditions of the farmers in Canada 
  • The Canadians Wheat Board was set up by the government in 1935
  • In western Canada credit unions have been organized by farmers on the basis of communities
  • CHF is the Co operative Housing Federation in Canada


ICA stands for International Co operative Alliance  ICA is a federation of co operative organisation in the world ICA established...